
User Manual V15

Have you just installed Gestan and would like some advice on how to get started??
The quick start page is made for you!

FIXME On this page are the pages of the manual currently translated into English. As you can see, there are still a few missing! But we work on it every day. While waiting for the work to be completed, you can consult the index page in French.

The extensions of Gestan V15 (libraries, plugins, or replacement states) make it possible to add additional functionalities to Gestan.

cette catégorie n'existe pas : gb:wiki:extensv15

Customer developments are extensions reserved for the exclusive use of its sponsor.

cette catégorie n'existe pas : gb:wiki:extensmetierv15

Gestan makes it easy to replace the quote, invoice, intervention sheet reports with specific reports.

cette catégorie n'existe pas : gb:wiki:extensetatv15

This wiki is also the tool we use to finalize the specifications of the extensions under development.

cette catégorie n'existe pas : gb:wiki:specsv15

  • gb/wiki/v15.txt
  • Dernière modification : 2022/10/04 23:50
  • de